The last time we wrote about Distance was just under a decade ago, when it was announced the game was coming to PS4. In the intervening years, the high-intensity arcade racer has been through a prolonged stint of early access and had its full launch on PC, but the PS4 version never surfaced. Now, thanks to a Trophy list appearing online, it seems the title is finally approaching the finish line — and it's coming to PS5 as well.

Trophy-tracking site TrueTrophies has the list, as spotted by Gematsu. Sites like this scrape PlayStation Network for new Trophy sets as they're added on the back end, so the appearance of Distance Trophies means the game is due to arrive in the near future.

As Gematsu also points out, a development update on the studio's website from last year tells us Refract is aiming to launch a PS5 version alongside the PS4 version. The current-gen edition of Distance will have "fancy haptics and other PS5 features".

We've embedded the PC launch trailer for the game if you need your memory jogged, but just as a recap: Distance is an arcade racing game that has you driving through an atmospheric, neon-lit cityscape. It's filled with twists and turns, including various deadly obstacles you'll need to avoid at high speeds. As well as driving you'll be flipping and gliding through the air as you work through a pair of campaigns, numerous arcade modes, and multiplayer.

This one has been a long time coming. Are you interested in Distance? Will you be hopping in when it finally arrives on PS5 and PS4? Drive safe in the comments section below.

[source, via]