Skull and Bones tweaks the UI, fixes mission bugs, and makes multiplayer calls for help louder


Nothing feels worse in a multiplayer game than asking other people around you for help and getting silence. Hopefully that situation will improve for any players within Skull and Bones with its latest patch, which significantly widens the call for help feature to make those in-game shouts extra shouty.

Specifically, calls for help will increase in range from the game’s local chat to server-wide, and the persistent duration of the help notification will last for five minutes as opposed to the one minute it lasted previously. Basically, players will get to shriek long and loud when they’re in trouble.

Speaking of notifications, the patch has also made some apparently wellreceived changes to its UI, moving activity notifications to the right side of the screen and limiting empire opportunity notifications to one pop-up only. The majority of the patch otherwise tweaks the maximum pieces of eight players can collect and applies fixes to several contracts, UI elements, and more, all of which are laid out in the patch notes.

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