Devolver Digital has a lot of games in the works, it turns out, and now, a few of them are being delayed into next year. While most of the titles affected aren't listed for release on PS5 or PS4, one of them is β€” The Plucky Squire. This inventive, 2D/3D action platformer is now scheduled for 2024.

"It turns out making a game that jumps between 2D and 3D worlds also has to account for the fourth dimension β€” time," the publisher says in its tongue-in-cheek presentation. While no real explanation is given for the delay, it presumably just needs a little more time to get things polished up.

There's no date or month attached to that 2024 delay, so there's no knowing quite how long we'll have to wait. The game has always looked great in its trailers, though, so we have faith it'll deliver next year. Are you looking forward to The Plucky Squire? Tell us in the comments section below.