In a city of puzzles covered in a toxic red mist, there are a lot of secrets for players to uncover in Arkane Studio's Redfall. Whether hunting for achievements, searching for collectibles, or just moseying through the history of the beautifully demented city of Redfall, players will have to keep a keen eye open to be sure not to miss any hidden loot or lore.

One secret players will want to keep an eye out for is the Irving Family Mausoleum, located in Burial Point. Taking the time to explore all the mysteries behind this area will provide players an opportunity to dive deeper into the lore of Redfall while grabbing a nice handful of loot and a rare achievement along the way.

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Finding the Mausoleum

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Players will want to begin searching for the mausoleum in the grave site just south of the Burial Point Cemetery in the Ashumet Springs neighborhood. Be sure to gear up prior to heading towards the cemetery, as players will encounter several groups of cultists and vampires along the way. Once reaching the cemetery, continue southwest through the crypts, keeping a cautious eye for any sleeping vampires.

Players will typically find two or three vampires in each occupied crypt, and making too much noise can awake them or alert their nearby cult followers, so utilizing stealth to work toward the bottom corner of the grave site can save ammo and stress. Work through the cemetery, following the sound of crows to a small road with mausoleums on one side and a stone wall leading to a parked pickup truck on the other. Approach the second to last mausoleum (the one the crows are circling above), and the Irving Mausoleum location will be discovered and added to the map. Be ready, as players approach the mausoleum, a group of cultists will spawn in and charge from the end of the road.

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After things have calmed down, players can turn their attention toward the symbols behind the mausoleum gate. There are six bells painted on the wall, arranged in a seemingly disorganized pattern, and the player will notice a bell hanging just to the left of the gate that can be rung with the interact button. While the painted bells are arranged at different heights, the key to this puzzle is in the spacing between them. If all vertical spacing was removed and the bells were painted in a straight line from left to right, the pattern begins to reveal itself: one bell, a space, two bells, a space, three bells. Players will input this pattern on the bell to their left, using the pattern: ring, pause, ring, ring, pause, ring, ring, ring. Successfully inputting this pattern will cause the gate to drop, and players will be able to descend into the cracks in the floor to the caverns below.

What Lies Beneath

Before dropping into the tunnels, players may want to evaluate their weapon loadout. The caves below are very small, and players will be forced to clear out a decent amount of vampires, blood bags, and anglers, so be prepared. Players will also be rewarded the rare achievement, 'What Lies Beneath', the moment they drop into the tunnels.

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Once the cave has been cleared, players will be rewarded with a blood remnant, found in the container in the well-lit room on the bottom floor, and a custom outfit part found in a backpack on the ledges at the very back of the cave.

Players also have a good chance of receiving rare loot from the special vampires eliminated during their descent, and once the crypt is left, it will be locked, and the bell used to open the gate will despawn, so be sure to gather all loot drops in this area before leaving. Once players are finished exploring, they will want to climb back out of the tunnels the way they came in and continue their adventure through Burial Point.

Redfall is available now on PC and Xbox, free to play with Game Pass.

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