Sony has just patented an AI system for recommending music in games. Sony is both known as a music and gaming giant, so it's not much of a surprise to see the company trying to marry both industries together in an innovative project. It operates as one of the largest electronics manufacturers, as well as one of the biggest video game publishers. Aside from that it is also known for its music and film endeavors in Sony Entertainment Inc.

This may not be the first time the conglomerate has teased something similar. Previously, Sony already hinted at the possibility of a new music-generating system for the PS5 through a patent filed in May 2020. In that patent entitled Dynamic Music Creation in Gaming, the system would render background music based on what is happening in-game. The AI would analyze the scene, the location, and the setting. It was also implied that even players' emotions would be taken into account when generating sounds. Whether this new patent is related to this new one is for Sony to confirm.

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According to the latest patent "Audio Recommendation Based on Text Information and Video Content," the electronic device would receive textual information and process that. In turn, it will insert audio files which will be determined by an AI. The document details the step-by-step process. From what was written, it sounds like a slightly complicated process of sending cues based on labeled information to recommend audio. While the patent was not overly specific about the context of its usage, there are many possible uses for this technology. With Spotify being available on the PS5, perhaps integration with the app might be inserted.


In-game, music can help put the player right into a scene. Whether it's placing the gamer in Hogwarts, or using music to build the world such as in Forspoken, being able to dynamically assess the situation happening on-screen and attaching the best sounds is important. Now, take that concept, and allow AI generational tools to personalize that experience for every user, and it completely changes how music works in video games. Imagine a symphony that gets more intense as the action continues to climax—the possibilities are endless.

As AI continues to integrate itself into everyday society, companies explore different ways to innovate. Software like ToxMod, which analyzes online speech and moderates users based on words, is just one example of using AI to help give players a personalized experience without companies expending extra resources. Similarly, apps like Spotify and Netflix already give users recommendations based on personal preferences. Perhaps the patent can have uses not just in-game but also as part of the browser or the dashboard. Being recommended lobby music tailored to players' personal tastes could be a small quality-of-life improvement that would change how music plays a part in gaming.

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