The latest update for Ark Survival Evolved on the Nintendo Switch looks to fix many of the bugs and glitches in the game. This new patch for the game is filled with many fixes for the player base.Ark: Survival Evolved launched back in June 2015 and was met with a mixed reception when launched. While buggy, the game had a unique gameplay loop that was not seen in the survival genre at the time, mixed with incredible monsters to tame and capture. It had many of the right ingredients to be a success at launch. Due to the popularity of the game, Studio Wildcard decided to port Ark: Survival Evolved to the Nintendo Switch. However, due to hardware limitations, the Switch Port has not been well received by some fans and critics. This is mainly due to performance issues and glitches.RELATED: Ark 2 Will Stay on Xbox Game Pass for Longer Than ExpectedThe latest patch has resolved many issues. Non-dedicated sessions are now available, as is the fix for the broken state in which wild dinosaurs would stop moving online, as well as the fix for creature spawning issues. A bug in the anti-mesh logic that killed players when they entered the Pearl Caves online has been fixed, as has the problem of days not saving online. This update allows the players to enjoy the current version while they wait for the Ultimate Edition of Ark: Survival which has been delayed yet again.

On top of the fixes to glitches and errors, the update also addresses many other issues that some fans had, such as significantly improved melee combat performance, fixed flickering mating icons online, fixed ballista turrets visualizing ammo when they had none, and so on. This seems to be great news for fans of the game, as the update also touches upon way more aspects that the Switch port had problems with. The state of Ark: Survival Evolved is currently in a good place, some fans would say, and that's thanks to updates like this from the developer, as the updates keep the game alive and well.

This update follows after Ark 2 was confirmed to be staying on Xbox Game Pass for longer than expected. Fans are excited about the upcoming game, but some are disappointed that it will only be available on PC and Xbox Series X/S consoles.

One aspect fans of the upcoming game are interested to see which was revealed from the trailers is the involvement actor Vin Diesel plays in the game. This is because when Ark 2 was first revealed alongside a cinematic trailer, actor Vin Diesel was featured not only acting through motion capture but also voicing in the game. It's also important to note that Vin Diesel is playing a huge role in the development of the game. In fact, Vin Diesel has joined Studio Wildcard as an executive producer on Ark 2.

ARK: Survival Evolved is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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