In an odd realization, one Pokemon fan showed off just how similar Deino’s shiny form and Constantine from Muppets Most Wanted are when viewed next to one another. Deino is a Dark and Dragon type that was introduced in Generation 5 of the Pokemon franchise. This Pokemon evolves into Zweilous beginning at level 50 and Hydreigon beginning at level 64.

The meme template being used here is from the two-part finale of the seventh season of the American version of The Office. In the original moment, Pam gives two identical images to interim regional manager Creed and tasks him with locating all the differences between the two. The picture being compared to shiny Deino is of Constantine (better known as Sith Kermit), a character that looks like Kermit wearing a dark robe.

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This comparison meme comes from u/Longjumping_Zebra_23, and it changes how players will look at Deino’s shiny form. In the top left spot in the meme is a photograph of Constantine, the character better known as Sith Kermit because of his likeness to Sheev Palpatine's Sith form from the Star Wars franchise. In the top right is a close-up picture of Deino’s shiny form. Normally a blue Pokemon with black hair or scales covering its eyes, the shiny version of this blind Pokemon switches that blue to green. This makes the creature appear just like the frog wearing a black hood on the left side of the image. While the whole Pokemon doesn't fit the shape of a frog, this zoomed-in image just compares the similar faces.

While there are some minor differences between a shiny Deino and Sith Kermit, the similarities are enough that looking at the Pokemon after seeing this post will likely bring Sith Kermit back to mind. Bringing these images together technically is easy enough, but seeing this comparison before having seen this post takes some impressive knowledge. There are over 900 Pokemon in the franchise and even more designs when players factor in their shiny versions.

Shiny versions of Pokemon can bring an interesting new look to the original designs but sometimes fall short of the mark. There are plenty of examples of shiny Pokemon that look worse than their normal versions. This ends up being quite disappointing because of just how difficult it is to track down shiny creatures in Pokemon games.

Then again, there will always be value in a shiny because of that Pokemon’s rarity. Even though the new color scheme may not suit a Pokemon player’s fancy, it is still a remarkable achievement to collect them. Regardless of how players feel about shiny Deino, this post does a great job showing just how close it looks like Sith Kermit.

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