Dragon Age: Inquisition uses tarot cards to symbolize different characters. While the collector's edition actually came with a deck, Inquisition also sported the designs in its codices and when choosing companions to out with. The designs alone are filled with meaning, but a lot can be extracted just from what arcana each card is.

Dorian has three different cards that he can obtain throughout Dragon Age: Inquisition. These include his default card, his companion quest card, and his romance card. They reveal a lot about him, from what he does to serve the Inquisition to his backstory and motivations. Like most characters, his view of the world changes as he moves through his journey. His cards are the Magician, the Page of Cups, and the Chariot.

RELATED: Dragon Age: Inquisition - What The Tarot Cards Reveal About Cassandra

Dorian's Default Card

Dorian's default card.

Dorian's default card is the Magician, which comes right after the Fool. It is ruled by Mercury and the element of air. It is a card of skill and resource, which exemplifies what Dorian can bring to the Inquisition in his knowledge of Tevinter and magic. Dorian is a bit of a special companion, as he comes to the Inquisition instead of them coming to him. This is proof of his determination and resourcefulness.

Reversed, it can mean a lack of energy, deceit, and lack of communication. Dorian does enjoy luxury, which can be connected to a lack of energy. As for deceit, that is what some in the Inquisition misunderstand about him. Some think the fact that he is from Tevinter makes him untrustworthy. After the Magician, though, comes the High Priestess, which means Dorian may have stronger intuition and more secrets to keep in the future.

Dorian's Companion Quest Card

Dorian's companion quest card.

The card he gets after his companion quest is not actually a major arcana, but the Page of Cups. Cups is a suit of emotion and the Page is associated often with curiosity and intuition. This is Dorian being able to put the past more behind him to be able to focus on possibilities for his future. This is a card of creative opportunity but in reverse, it can be emotional vulnerability and doubting oneself, which could happen if the Inquisitor and Dorian do not get along.

The Page of Cups can also mean innocence and idealism. Dorian is an idealist, believing now that Tevinter can be better and can be changed. He sees good worth nurturing in his country, while the rest of Thedas demonizes them. He will go back to Tevinter with an idealist's heart, to change the nation for the better and to weed out the corruption.

Dorian's Romance Card

Dorian's romance card.

Dorian's romance card is the Chariot, which is a card of action. It is ruled by water and the moon. It represents willpower, confidence, overcoming obstacles, and ambition. Dorian's romance is one where he allows himself to be vulnerable, which is an obstacle in itself. It also symbolizes that the romance may encourage Dorian to move forward. Reversed, though, the card can mean self-doubt and lack of direction. This can happen with Dorian if the romance goes poorly.

Since the Chariot is a card of movement, it also relates to the fate of Dorian's romance. Dorian returns to Tevinter after Trespasser, as he wishes to be a man of action and change. He is confident in the direction he wishes to go. Unfortunately, the Chariot then leaves him and the Inquisitor at a long distance. However, that is just one other obstacle they can conquer.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is in development.

MORE: Dragon Age: Inquisition - What The Tarot Cards Reveal About Iron Bull