Wordle is a viral game that gives players a new word to guess every day. Today's word is quite the puzzler, especially for new players, so some may need help to get to the answer if they are stumped.

How To Play Wordle

Although there are loads of copycats, the original version of Wordle is on the New York Times Games website. Other versions will have different answers and may even have different rules, and everything in this article is about the NYT version. Here's how to play:

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  • Head to the NYT Games website and find the Wordle section.
  • Choose a starting five-letter word for Wordle.
  • It should be a real English word, not one of the many offensive words that were censored from Wordle by the New York Times, and has to be five letters long. Wordle words are also usually the American spellings of words and are not plural nouns.
  • Type the starting word into the site and press enter.
  • The letters will change color to give the players a clue as to the real answer.
  • Green are correct, yellow are right but in the wrong place in the word, and gray are incorrect.
  • Players have a total of six guesses to get to the right answer.
  • Puzzles reset daily at midnight local time every day.
  • After puzzles are complete, players will get access to the Wordle menu. This will have the player's stats and the spoiler-free share button. The stats include things like a player's guess distribution, win streaks, total wins, and puzzles played if they use the same device and browser every day.

Hints for the Wordle 333 for May 18, 2022

Although today's Wordle word is a fairly simple one, it is one of those words that have several that are spelled similarly. Some players may need a few hints without giving away the whole puzzle.

  • Today's Wordle word contains no duplicate letters.
  • It is a verb.
  • It has two vowels, one of them is an O.
  • It begins with the letter S.
  • One of the meaning of this word is about cleaning well.
  • It rhymes with the word FLOWER.

Answer for Wordle 333 for May 18, 2022

Need the word of the day to cheat at Wordle or to see if the next guess is close? Check below the image for the complete spoiler for 333.


The answer to Wordle puzzle 333 is SCOUR.

Wordle is available for any browser.

MORE: 5-Letter Words Ending In UR

Source: Wordle, Reddit