Overwatch is full of game-changing abilities, and one of the most underrated of all might just be Symmetra’s Photon Barrier. If a recent Overwatch clip is anything to go by, mastering this ability could completely shift the flow of a match and counter even the deadliest of Ultimates.

Overwatch players will surely be familiar with the reworks Symmetra has received thus far, and with Overwatch 2 changing so many members of the roster, the hard-light expert could soon be changed once again. While it remains to be seen if that will happen, the current version of Symmetra can be useful in the right hands. Alongside her turrets and the ability to teleport her team, she can shield the group against all enemy attacks and abilities with a well-placed Photon Barrier - something seen in Fenrion’s clip.

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The video posted by Fenrion shows some great angles of the play, beginning with the enemy Ultimate that was used. While playing on the Overwatch map Numbani, a Junkrat player is seen charging up their Rip-Tire while standing on some stairs. They then let go of the tire, guiding it toward the objective and likely hoping for a teamkill. The clip follows the tire as it rolls off a ledge and onto the point, with someone playing as Sigma tossing a barrier forward. Unfortunately for Sigma, the barrier does not stop the Rip-Tire.

While all seems lost, as nobody seems to be in position to destroy Junkrat’s Rip-Tire, Symmetra’s incredible timing saves the day. As soon as the player controlling her sees the tire, they throw down the wall in front of the friendly Sigma. The slow-motion footage then shows the barrier forming as the Rip-Tire gets closer. While it looks like Junkrat’s Ultimate could sneak through and kill the Sigma, the wall manages to come up just in time, saving the Tank and allowing them to continue contesting the point.

Given the masterful timing of the play, and the Redditor’s approach to showing both sides of the action, it is not too surprising that the Overwatch community has responded well to the clip. Plenty of fun comments were seen in response to the well-edited footage. Derpzyicecream jokingly says that they were more impressed by the clip’s direction than anything else, while M0ssy_Garg0yl3 points out that the Sigma was likely terrified and surely “saw his life flash before his eyes.” Alongside these comments, many praise the Symmetra player for their mastery of Photon Barrier.

While more memorable Overwatch clips will surely be seen before the sequel releases, it will be hard for Symmetra fans to top this one. Though the hero may not be the most popular in terms of pick rate, neat videos like this one could inspire more players to master Sym’s kit.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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