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Following the blistering start New World had a launch a few months ago, the MMORPG has been attempting to weather the storm following a number of problems from a declining population as well as economy issues. In addition to numerous updates and server merges to help with population balancing, Amazon also released its Into The Void update which added a huge amount of fixes and other content like the new Void Gauntlet weapon.

Crafting, a major component of the game, also saw changes in this most recent update requiring more XP in order to level up the various New World professions. Naturally, this is going to force players to acquire more materials while also resulting in greater crafted gear in order to rank up. As such, players will more than likely want to invest in more storage space, especially for those that own a house.

RELATED: New World's Changes With the November 2021 Patch Explained

Thankfully, players can utilize the Hope Storage Chest, a tier 3 item that can be placed inside a players home to store a huge amount of items, gear, resources, and whatever else is needed. Here's how New World players can acquire this chest as well as what it does.

New World House Furnishing

What is the Hope Storage Chest?

For players that own a house inside of New World, they can decorate it with furnature, some of which is purely decorative, while others provide a benefit. Utilizing storage chests, players can not only upgrade the size of their personal storage in the settlement where their house is, but also access their storage shed from the house. Currently, there are 4 different options when it comes to storage chests, crafted through the Furnishing skill.

For the Hope Storage Chest, players will need to have at least 145 skill with Furnishing in order to craft this item and place it within a house. The tradeoff is likely worth it for players as it provides an additional 400 territory storage once it is placed inside a house. However, before players can craft this item, they'll need to acquire a schematic.


Where to Find the Hope Storage Chest

While exploring the world of Aeternum, players will want to hunt down a crafting schematic for an item called the starmetal-braced storage chest. Unfortunately, there's no sure fire way to find this item, much of it relying on RNG luck. Players should concentrate on looting tier two and three supply chests from places like Cutlass Keys, Brightwood, Ebonscale Reach, Weaver's Fen, or most northern locations. Keep in mind that looting these chests doesn't guarantee the starmetal-braced storage chest schematic will drop as they contain other potential loot as well.

Alternatively, players may be able to purchase one from another player through a settlement or town Trading Post. While this method is much easier, it will also likely be very expensive.

new world trading post feature

Hope Storage Chest Crafting Requirements

Once the schematic is obtained and the player is at 145 Furnishing skill or higher, they'll need to locate a Tier IV workshop. The player will need the following materials in order to craft the Hope Storage CHest:

Crafting a Hope Storage Chest cost a base of 0.43 coins but will award 4,512 furnishing XP.

New World is available now on PC.

MORE: New World's Crafting System Needs Another Revision

Source: New World Wiki