Nothing's better in Destiny 2 than proving supremacy in this dystopian sci-fi action RPG. This Bungie title lets players fight not just extraterrestrial threats, but fellow players as well. In the Crucible, players can partake in intense multiplayer matches across various maps. Here, victory varies on objectives, but almost always relies on squad supremacy.

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Players who love PvP will appreciate the Crucible for its high intensity and fast-paced setup. After all, it's the Crucible where players can best test their builds across Quickplay and Competitive Playlists. However, players might want to follow some pro tips to secure victory in the competition.

Updated June 14, 2022 by Rhenn Taguiam: With The Witch Queen expansion revealing a transformative moment in the story of Destiny 2, players of the acclaimed sci-fi MMO might wonder just what else is in store for fans in the context of the game’s story.

And while players are still waiting for what else Bungie is offering in the main narrative, those who want to delve into the game’s PVP component might want to try their hand at Crucible matches. Newcomers to the mode need to remember to strategically reload, rotate, and revert to distractions to gain an edge against opponents.

18 Never Reload Outside Cover

Destiny 2 Reload

It doesn’t matter what kind of FPS game it is, there’s just a satisfying “click” whenever a character gets to reload a weapon. This is especially the case when it comes to a sci-fi title like Destiny 2 where players get to reload all sorts of futuristic weapons. However, like in any FPS game, reloading recklessly might look “cool,” but it can get extremely deadly in a heated firefight - especially in high-stakes Crucible matches.

Players who are convinced they just “have” to reload at this very moment should at least try setting up healthy reloading habits to ensure they remain alive even after they reload. These include reloading when their ammo is at around the 20s, especially when they’re inside cover. If they’re about to encounter a firefight with no cover to reload, they may as well rely on a sidearm or a secondary weapon in the meantime.

17 Jank The Controls To Confuse Opponents

Attacking groups of opponents in Destiny 2

Similar to other FPS titles, accuracy matters a lot in Destiny 2, especially concerning weapons that may deal with different damage types. And while the initial response of a player in a firefight is to jump or dodge foes, these movements remain slow enough to be considered predictable for opponents to counter.

Instead, players may want to consider doing a tried-and-tested method of dodging bullets - janking their controls. Since higher-stakes shots such as headshots and upper body shots do more damage, it’s reasonable for these to demand more accuracy on the part of players. As such, janking controls for characters to jerk violently in mid-fight can disorient enemies trying to score deadly hits.

16 Always Rotate

Destiny 2 Crucible Match

Given the wide variety of maps in Destiny 2, some teams may have a tendency to camp out in certain places before catching the opponents in a firefight in the middle of the map. While this works most of the time, players who want to secure victory may want to consider rotating instead.

Through rotation, players can not only explore other areas of the map for other roaming opponents. Do this quick enough, and players may end up right behind opponents and give them an upsetting ambush. While rotating may also have players encounter other enemies early on, this is a good behavior to practice to avoid and counter flanking tactics.

15 Study The Enemy's Side Of The Map

Crucible Map in Destiny 2

As with other team-based FPS matches, Crucible matches also take place with players on different sides of the map. And while players need to take their environment into immediate consideration to set up healthy defensive positions, they may want to consider the enemy’s point of view as well.

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Understanding the enemy’s side of the map allows players to predict and anticipate what sorts of strategies the enemies may pull off in order to attack the players. This gives players an extra layer of preparation to ensure enemies don’t get the jump on them while still scoring kills.

14 Beginners: Keep An Eye On The Radar

Destiny 2 Crucible Trailer

For many FPS players, the radar is a staple part of a competitive game mode. However, for players who are coming into Destiny 2 from other competitive games, the concept of radar might be completely alien, and will at first split their attention significantly. Worse yet, scoping in removes the radar, so focusing on a spot becomes a tactical choice for players.

The best solution is simply time and practice. There are also certain mods that help with radar, which can be a great crutch for beginner players, at least initially. Some Exotics, like the Ace of Spades, will also maintain a radar even when scoped in.

13 Team Up With Friends

destiny 2 trials fireteam with gear

Though this may not be an option for everyone, those who are part of a clan or a group of friends should take advantage of it. In particular, running down into Crucible as a six-man team is almost a guaranteed victory due to how skewed Bungie's matchmaking can be.

With friends, communication also becomes easier. Players can come up with sweaty tactics to take down the opposing team and work in tandem to enable one another's outrageous plays. It can be especially useful to have reliable teammates when trying to secure a heavy ammo drop.

12 Abuse The Meta

Destiny 2 Dead Man's Tale

The meta is there for a reason: it's the best possible loadout for the highest performance, regardless of skill. It may not be the most respectable way of dealing with the Crucible, but players concerned with scoring wins for triumphs or quests shouldn't hesitate to take the easy path.

There are many guns that have emerged as meta picks over the months. From the Dead Man's Tale to Lorentz Driver, players have plenty of deliciously awful tools of destruction to choose from. And now, with Hunters enjoying the benefits of near perma-invisibility thanks to Void 3.0, there are even more ways to cheese one's way into victory.

Players shouldn't shy away from using Exotics and experimenting with them in PVP. This also includes Exotic armor which can significantly boost certain abilities, speed, reload speed, and even Supers.

11 Invest In Super-Boosting Perks And Gear

Destiny 2 Stasis

One of the major changes to Crucible in the last few months has been Super charging rates and Stasis. In general, it's not advised to run Stasis in PVP anymore due to how much its effects were nerfed, and how long it takes to charge its abilities and Super.

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That said, there are a few weapon perks like Thresh and some Exotics like the Mantle of Battle Harmony that can still positively affect a player's charge rate of Supers, even with Intellect's severely nerfed now that Bungie has created two separate sandboxes.

10 Be Aware Of What Subclasses The Enemy Is Running

Noting the roster - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

Markers on top of the screen denote not just match points but also each team's composition – meaning identifying an enemy's possible approach. No two players of the same Subclass have the same playstyle. However, a Subclass does gravitate toward an approach, and players who identify this can anticipate the enemy's movements.

For instance, heavy-duty Titans like the Sunbreaker love staying on foot to maximize their Barricades and melee engagements. Meanwhile, Warlocks likely stay close to teammates for Rift buffs. Hunters maximize Jumps and Dodges to try and outmaneuver foes. Players familiar enough with a Subclass kit will have an idea about the enemy team's preferred method of engagement.

9 Control The State Of Play

Familiarizing mechanics - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

Unless it's the typical Clash deathmatch, the Playlist's win condition – not kills – dictates the victor. Thus, the best approach to any Crucible match is to try and subvert the "typical" approach to an objective. For instance, capture-the-flag Control has three points to control for a six-man team, meaning the enemy always expects two campers at any control point.

Instead of following through with that expectation, players need to control the state of play. Why have a two-man squad secure the point and gamble on a 2v2? Instead, a Dawnblade can provide backup from afar while a Nightstalker teammate gets up close and personal.

8 Adjust Basic Aiming

Adjusting proper aim - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

Great aim sensitivity isn't as helpful if players have bad aiming habits in the first place. Anyone who's played an FPS will likely keep their aim at the center, which unfortunately only accommodates headshots and torso shots. In a fast-paced game like Destiny 2, anyone who thinks of double-jumping up high or sliding down low will give anyone with the traditional aim a run for their money.

Rather than keeping a steady ADS while aiming at opponents, players should practice quick shifts between ADS and hipfire views. This strategy allows players to adjust their aim quickly, especially if they have to aim up or down quickly against dynamic movement.

Players who feel uncomfortable with their aim can also invest in Targeting Adjuster mods and weapon Targeting mods. The former goes on the weapon itself and the latter is found in gauntlet mods.

7 Move Faster Than The Reticle

Deftly dodging shots - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

On the opposing end of the spectrum, players should remember to move at a much faster pace than what the opponent's aim can handle. Staying still a split-second longer than necessary is a free invitation for bullets to come spraying in the player's direction. Instead, players should capitalize on mobility to force the enemy to waste time trying to aim for the player.

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When done right, this strategy leads to the enemy wasting bullets, having to reload, or outright missing shots – all leaving an opening for the quick kill. Combined with the right movement, players can slide for a sweeping kill or attack from up high for that devastating headshot.

Sliding, in particular, can be great when rounding corners as it folds the player's hitbox. It also pairs up well with weapons that have perks like Slideshot, which reloads the weapon when sliding and increases range and handling.

6 Duels Are Never Fair

Two opponents in a duel - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

Players can expand "move faster than the reticle" into psychological warfare. Those engaged in a firefight can become so absorbed in a conflict that they only focus on taking down the opponent in front of them. Apply enough pressure, and opponents can miss everything else happening around them. This means that they can't spot if a player's teammate plans on flanking them or sneaking a kill from the back.

In turn, players shouldn't hesitate to join someone in a duel with an opponent. While a kill steal isn't an honorable way to fight with a comrade, it does leave the enemy squad with one less member. And at the end of the day, it's all about securing the objective the fastest.

5 Keep Moving Around

Teams capturing a point - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

There's no reason to stay at any given point if there's nothing going on. In a fast-paced shooter like Destiny 2, players should reposition whenever there are three seconds of inactivity, regardless of their position. This tactic removes opportunities to feel lax or get a false sense of security if they're not in a firefight.

Instead of hanging around an empty area, players should cross-check their position with other map zones. If the enemy isn't in their current area, they're likely headed their way or securing another position. This should give them a few seconds to prepare an ambush or flank the opponent – perfect for Scout Rifle engagements, or outright sniping them.

4 Use High Ground

Move around a lot - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

With Movement Modes, Destiny 2 adds a vertical component to firefights. Players should capitalize on opportunities to engage enemies from higher places since it's much harder to aim at a target when they're attacking from up high.

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For starters, players should take note of elevated surfaces to use as vantage points. Rooftops raised platforms, and even small cliffs can accommodate a sniper, an attack from above, or even allow players to survey the area. Likewise, maximizing Movement Modes in firefights can add terror in aiming as players need to adjust to fast-paced Jumps (Hunters), Lifts (Titans), and Glides (Warlocks).

3 The Exit Is Everyone's Best Friend

Sliding to an exit - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

Just because the Crucible expects players to fight doesn't mean aggression is the only option. In fact, players must always have an exit strategy. First, players should look for possible exits whenever entering the area. These include retreating from where they came from or slipping into a corner to get to the other side. Given the three-lane nature of most Playlist maps, players can spot these exits quickly with enough practice.

Secondly, players should always cover their tracks. Whenever they enter an area, it's good practice to take a quick look behind and to the two immediate corners of the entryway. This is a good method to spot ambushers and potential enemy tails before they strike.

2 Prioritize Cover

Extending cover - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

Players should never move unless they're moving towards cover. This strategy sounds overwhelming at first, but it's always a good precaution in high-intensity firefights. Players should plot their course across a map before engaging anywhere. That way, players always dart towards a more protective position, giving them time to recover, reload, or even plan a quick counter-attack.

Moving into cover will also force enemies to engage players on their terms. Players are better protected from cover, meaning they know exactly where opponents can come from. This kind of control over the battlefield can force enemies into a lose-lose situation. For instance, they can call the player's bluff and head to their cover, which means leading to an ambush. Likewise, they can simply disengage, which then gives players the time to recover.

1 Adjust Loadouts Based On The Game Mode

Fully equiped Fireteam - Destiny 2 Crucible Tips

No rule says players need to stick with one loadout across their Crucible career. However, while there's no "best" loadout for every Playlist, it might help if players develop a loadout fit for a particular Playlist objective.

For instance, defense-oriented Playlists such as Control and Countdown mean some players will likely camp to secure their points. Players have the opportunity to take down foes from a distance with a reliable Scout Rifle or Pulse Rifle. Likewise, aggressive-oriented Playlists such as Breakthrough, Clash, and Survival may need deadly close-to-mid-range armaments such as Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, and SMGs.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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