Among Stardew Valley's best features are the distinct personalities that make up Pelican Town. Despite being only a few pixels on a screen, the characters in the game are three-dimensional and compelling. Every player has their favorite characters, their least favorites, and ones that resonate with them. Perhaps some players relate so deeply to certain NPCs because they share core personality traits.

One of the world's most popular personality tests is the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory, which categorizes sixteen different personalities. Everyone falls into one of these archetypes, but what about the villagers in Stardew Valley? Here's a list of villagers that best represent each of the MBTI types.

Updated April 26, 2022, by Demaris Oxman: Though we know that the Myers-Briggs test can't tell someone everything about themselves, it's still fascinating to examine, especially when it comes to fictional character analysis. However, the type inventory can seem confusing and complex to those who aren't familiar with it. To help Stardew Valley fans understand each type as it describes their favorite characters, this article has been updated to include more detail on the types, including what their acronyms stand for and the key traits they embody — specifically those shown by the respective character mentioned in each entry.

16 INTJ: Clint

Clint introducing himself to the player

​​​​​​Those with this type tend to have a hard time in social situations, just like Pelican Town's blacksmith. Like Clint, INTJs can be a little closed off; however, they'll open up to those who put in the effort.

Though Clint might not love his job, he takes pride in the work he does and enjoys a blacksmithing challenge. Similarly, this archetype prides themselves on their rational minds and problem-solving abilities.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Architect
  • Acronym: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging
  • Key Strengths: Studious, determined, problem-solvers
  • Key Weaknesses: Socially distant, critical

15 INTP: The Wizard

The Wizard during the Festival of Ice

Others may find this personality unusual, but to the INTP, this is a compliment. The Wizard is considered a strange figure, but he doesn't much care.

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The INTP archetype is open-minded and imaginative, and loves coming up with creative solutions. As a student of the arcane, the Wizard remains open to all possibilities. True to this type, he's reluctant to share details about himself, but is always willing to discuss his thoughts on mystical forces.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Logician
  • Acronym: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving
  • Key Strengths: Original, creative, open-minded
  • Key Weaknesses: Distant, perfectionistic

14 ENTJ: Pierre

Pierre encouraging the player to shop at his store

Those with this personality are driven and ambitious, just like Pierre. ENTJs are goal-oriented and love a challenge; they're confident in their abilities to overcome hurdles on their way to the top.

Sometimes this archetype can come across as ruthless, just as Pierre sometimes appears greedy. He can grow impatient in his quest for success, driving up prices to the ire of his neighbors. However, in true ENTJ form, he doesn't let setbacks stop or discourage him.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Commander
  • Acronym: Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging
  • Key Strengths: Efficient, confident, strong-willed, strategic
  • Key Weaknesses: Stubborn, impatient, difficulty handling emotions

13 ENTP: Mr. Qi

Mr. Qi on Level 100 skull cavern

This archetype loves an intellectual challenge, and loves to engage with and challenge others. Mr. Qi is constantly testing the player, just as an ENTP is always testing their friends to bring out the best in them.

Like their introverted counterparts, ENTPs are often original and like to break the mold. They're not particularly down-to-earth or practical. Similarly, Mr. Qi seems more interested in possibilities and exploring what could be, encouraging the player to look ahead.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Debater
  • Acronym: Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving
  • Key Strengths: Original, charismatic, quick and flexible thinkers
  • Key Weaknesses: Impractical, argumentative, has a hard time staying down to earth

12 INFJ: Linus

Linus speaking to the player

Alone in his mountain tent, Linus might not seem at first like he embodies this powerful personality. However, his idealism and insightful nature align closely with this type.

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INFJs are often reluctant to let people in. Linus is similarly guarded, but once the player earns his trust, he proves a devoted friend. Like this archetype, he's not interested in a mundane life, sticking to his principle that it is best for him to live in harmony with nature.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Advocate
  • Acronym: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
  • Key Strengths: Insightful, passionate, sticks to one's ideals
  • Key Weaknesses: Perfectionist, inflexible, closed-off from others

11 INFP: Penny

Pixel art - stardew valley video game dialogue of penny saying 'I guess the sooner we come to terms with reality, the more time we can spend really living in the here and now'

People with this type are often escapists, just like Penny. Pure-hearted and idealistic, she loves to get lost in the world of books.

Her sensitive nature sometimes leads her to shy away from conflict, just like this archetype. However, Penny's kindness and altruism perfectly encapsulate the INFP strengths, as she's always ready to lend a helping hand. Her dedication to tutoring Jas and Vincent shows a trademark INFP desire to make a difference in others' lives.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Mediator
  • Acronym: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving
  • Key Strengths: Empathetic, generous, kind
  • Key Weaknesses: Self-critical, unrealistic, desperate to please others

10 ENFJ: Gus

Gus welcoming the player to the saloon

This personality type loves to get to know other people, building connections and lasting friendships. As the owner of the Stardrop Saloon, Gus thrives on such connections.

Sometimes this archetype's big heart gets the better of them, like when Gus lets Pam rack up a huge tab. However, their combination of practicality and charm endear this type to just about everyone. ENFJs love a sense of community, and Gus' establishment is central to that feeling in Pelican Town.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Protagonist
  • Acronym: Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
  • Key Strengths: Reliable, charismatic, kind and giving
  • Key Weaknesses: Too trusting or empathetic, letting others take advantage of their kindness

9 ENFP: Elliott

Elliott in his two-heart event

People with this personality are excellent communicators, which Elliott perfectly displays as a writer. Curious and observant, they love to seek out new experiences, which Elliott does in the hope of incorporating them into his work.

Elliott also displays this archetype's ability to balance work and play. He'll write for six hours straight, then kick back with a glass of wine. ENFPs also love connecting with others through deep conversation, a quality Elliott displays.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Campaigner
  • Acronym: Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving
  • Key Strengths: Creative, friendly, fun-loving, enthusiastic
  • Key Weaknesses: People-pleasing, restless or easily bored, disorganized

8 ISTJ: Demetrius

Demetrius insisting that tomatoes are fruits

As a scientist, Demetrius doesn't like straying from the facts, just like this personality type. Sometimes, his honesty leads him to be a little insensitive; for example, when he criticizes Robin's more artistic carpentry projects.

Even though ISTJs can be a little blunt, they're also very dedicated and responsible. Demetrius's does his best to use his knowledge to help maintain Stardew Valley's ecosystem, and tries to make life there better for everyone.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Logistician
  • Acronym: Introverted, Observant, Thinking, Judging
  • Key Strengths: Honest, responsible, practical, good at many different things
  • Key Weaknesses: Judgmental, insensitive, handle failure poorly

7 ISFJ: Harvey

Talking to Harvey

This personality type is often drawn to healthcare professions out of their desire to help others. As a humble and hardworking doctor, Harvey embodies the protective and giving nature of an ISFJ.

Often timid and self-effacing, this archetype takes awhile to open up. Harvey's shy at first, but shares more of himself as his relationship with the player deepens. If chosen as a romantic partner, he's incredibly loving and loyal, just like the ISFJ personality.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Defender
  • Acronym: Introverted, Observant, Feeling, Judging
  • Key Strengths: Caring, supportive, hardworking, practical
  • Key Weaknesses: Self-deprecating, stubborn, prone to stretching themselves too thin

6 ESTJ: Lewis

Lewis introducing himself to the player

People with this personality make highly effective leaders, just like Lewis. As mayor of Pelican Town, he's loyal, patient, and dedicated to his duties.

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Sometimes Lewis puts too much focus on his social and political status, a common ESTJ flaw that leads him to neglect his relationship with Marnie. However, his devotion to his town and its traditions make him a beloved leader. Organized and efficient, Lewis loves making Pelican Town a great place to live.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Executive
  • Acronym: Extroverted, Observant, Thinking, Judging
  • Key Strengths: Dedicated, honest, organized, reliable
  • Key Weaknesses: Stubborn, difficulty relaxing, overly focused on status

5 ESFJ: Sam

Sam discussing his music career

One of the most sociable personalities, this type is focused on making sure their social groups are happy and harmonious. Sam has his own goals for musical stardom, but his family and friends take priority, whether he's caring for his brother or coaxing Sebastian out of his shell.

Like an ESFJ, Sam loves bringing people together. Whether he's forming a band with his best friends or inviting the player to join his game with Sebastian, one of his greatest talents is making people feel welcome and appreciated.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Consul
  • Acronym: Extroverted, Observant, Feeling, Judging
  • Key Strengths: Friendly, loyal, welcoming, warm
  • Key Weaknesses: Attention or validation-seeking, doesn't like leaving their comfort zone

4 ISTP: Maru

Stardew Valley Maru during a post-marriage dialogue, saying ;For a while there I was considering building a robotic husband. But you're a lot more fun!'

This personality type thrives on experimentation and inventiveness, especially when it comes to a hands-on approach. As a tinkerer with a knack for robotics, this describes Maru to the letter.

ISTPs are optimistic and full of energy, always leaping from project to project. Maru is the kind of person who views problems as opportunities that challenge her to find creative solutions. She's a flexible yet logical thinker, hallmarks of this archetype.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Virtuoso
  • Acronym: Introverted, Observant, Thinking, Perceiving
  • Key Strengths: Optimistic, creative, levelheaded
  • Key Weaknesses: Reserved, easily bored, dislikes long-term commitments

3 ISFP: Leah

Leah's art show cutscene

Like this type, Leah enjoys her independence — just one reason she moved to Stardew Valley. In her cottage in the woods, she paints and sculpts, displaying the artistic talent characteristic of an ISFP.

Sometimes she lacks self-confidence, common among a personality type that tends towards abstract, artistic goals. She has a hard time believing in herself. Underneath it all, though, Leah is charming and sensitive. With the player's support, she comes to realize the full imaginative potential of this archetype.

Type Breakdown:

  • Title: The Adventurer
  • Acronym: Introverted, Observant, Feeling, Perceiving
  • Key Strengths: Curious, imaginative, independent, charming
  • Key Weaknesses: Dislikes structure, fragile self-esteem, easily stressed

2 ESTP: Emily

Emily speaking to the player

Perceptive and smart, Emily's personality aligns well with this archetype. Like an ESTP, she's not content to fit into a mold, and would rather march to the beat of her own drum.

Emily is anything but shy, and loves to help her shy friends break out of their shells. This is especially evident in her "Clothing Therapy" heart event, when she encourages people to express themselves. Her philosophical nature and originality perfectly capture the ESTP archetype.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Entrepreneur
  • Acronym: Extroverted, Observant, Thinking, Perceiving
  • Key Strengths: Perceptive, sociable, honest, creative
  • Key Weaknesses: Impatient, disorganized, dislikes following rules

1 ESFP: Alex

Alex talking to the player

People with this personality love the spotlight. They're big and bold, just as Alex likes to be the center of attention. He wants to do everything there is to do, and loves to show off for others.

Occasionally, ESFPs are a little oversensitive, which comes across in the insecurity that Alex reveals at high friendship. His showoff nature sometimes puts players off. Despite this, though, he's outgoing and entertaining, ensuring that his friends are never bored.

Type Breakdown

  • Title: The Entertainer
  • Acronym: Extroverted, Observant, Feeling, Perceiving
  • Key Strengths: Talkative, down-to-earth, entertaining
  • Key Weaknesses: Unfocused, sensitive, easily bored

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