PS5 PlayStation 5 Pre-Orders 1

Update: The site seems to be having technical trouble due to high traffic. Hopefully it comes back soon.

Original Story: Have you managed to get your PS5 pre-orders in yet? Sony's next-gen machine is proving to be highly sought after, would you believe it, and stock allocations are running out in minutes. If you're in the UK, a new option is opening up to you today.

Box, an online electronics store, will be taking pre-orders starting right now. You'll be able to pre-order a regular PS5 or a PS5 Digital Edition (with a £1 deposit). So, open up a tab with the following links and get your wallets at the ready.

For more information about PS5 pre-orders, or are looking to pre-order PS5 accessories, follow the respective links. Will you be trying to snag your PS5 today? Tell us if you got one in the comments section below.