Borderlands 3 DLC Guns, Love, and Tentacles: The Marriage of Wainright & Hammerlock is out now. It's full of new content to dig through including a well-told but somewhat short story, legendary monsters to hunt, and most importantly new loot. One new legendary drop, in particular, appears to be quite strong and is certain to be popular. Borderlands 3's latest Legendary Shotgun, the Nothingness, might be the iconic weapon of Guns, Love, and Tentacles.

The gun's name is the Nothingness and it's a direct reference to the movie The Neverending Story. In the movie, the Nothing is an unfeeling power that simply erases existence. A character named the Rock Biter says the line that's used as a quote on the new Borderlands 3 gun. It says, "A hole would be something," after the Nothing is compared to a hole.

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The Nothingness' strength is two-fold. First, it's an elemental damage Legendary Weapon. More than that, it's a weapon with two different elemental powers constantly rotating after a period of seconds. These elemental procs both have a 14% chance of going off. The second boon is how the Nothingness charges its payload to launch almost a cluster bomb of elemental explosive charges. That it also can be Anointed and get a situational buff to overall damage is just icing on the cake.

Nothingness drops from one of the five new named monsters Hammerlock tasks players with hunting down in Guns, Love, and Tentacles. The enemy players want to hunt is named Gmork and they're one of the expansion's new Wolven enemy types. Players can find Gmork hidden in the Cankerwood area of the Xylourgos planet. Corrosive damage will be strong against them. The Nothingness should drop anywhere between 1 to 4 times in 10 kills, so it might take some farming.

There are plenty of other new Legendary Weapons for players to discover in Borderlands 3's new expansion. The Nothingness shotgun is just one of the more immediately awesome drops, as shotguns tend to be. The other new legendaries may require a bit more specialized a build or rolls to be so obviously powerful. Dedicated Borderlands 3 players will want to collect them all, regardless.

Borderlands 3 is available now on Google Stadia, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Borderlands 3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC: What is the Pink Spider Icon?