When poking through some Destiny 2 files, dataminers discovered an ornament for one of -- if not the most infamous shotgun to ever release in Destiny 1. Anyone who played Destiny 1 back in its first year will remember the Felwinter's Lie shotgun, and will probably either be very worried about its return or very excited. Here's why:

Pretty much every shotgun in Destiny can kill in one shot if the wielder gets up close. So the stat that usually determines which ones are better than others is range: the farther the gun can shoot without losing damage, the better. The Mindbender's Ambition shotgun, for instance, currently reigns supreme in Destiny 2's meta because of this.

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But the vanilla version of Felwinter's Lie blows Mindbender's Ambition out of the water. It could one-shot people from so far away that the Destiny community ended up calling it the "Felwinter's Sniper." It became a running joke that the lie Felwinter told everyone was that his sniper was a shotgun. It took Bungie nerfing the weapon more than once before it finally became level with the rest of its weapon class. But when the gun was at full power, there was no other reason to use anything else.

Whether or not Bungie will bring the gun back in all of its original glory remains unseen. If it does, however, the weapon would probably be upgraded into an Exotic, similar to Whisper of the Worm, which also use to be an overpowered Destiny 1 Legendary weapon.

Felwinter's Lie has also received a redesign, which could support the idea that it may now be an Exotic. The barrel of the gun isn't a complete cylinder anymore, and the pump extends past it. Admittedly, the shotgun does have an ornament attached to it, but that should only change its aesthetic, not overall design. And Ginsor, the Twitter user that posted the discovery, has confirmed that this gun is Felwinter's and not something else.

There's also speculation that suggests the gun could be the Ritual Weapon of next season's Iron Banner. It may have seen an unveiling within the files of Season of the Worthy, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will appear in this season. Back in Destiny 1, for example, dataminers uncovered the Exotic known as the Wardcliff Coil years before Bungie decided to release it as the Dubious Volley.

Destiny 2 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia.

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