Ever since the release of Borderlands 3, players have been fighting over which character class is best. While some classes may have a more open ended role than others, the truth is none are truly the best, and they are all useful in their own way.

Borderlands 3 characters exceed expectations when their roles are understood and utilized. If players have a desired style of combat, they should know some things about the characters they are about to pick before they get disappointed. For example, some players who desire massive damage and chaos may be disappointed with Fl4k while others who desire some art to their kills may be disappointed with Moze. With that in mind, here are the best roles for each character class.

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Moze: Beginner/ Tank

Moze is arguably one of the most OP Borderlands 3 characters in the game for multiple reasons, but that doesn't make her the best character, it just makes her best for beginners. All of Moze's action skills are just three different loadouts for her main ability--her mech. While calling Iron Bears, Moze gets a buff that reduces her damage intake and then regenerates health while in mech. Her skill tree also offers other types of buffs like ammo regen and reduced cooldown rates, while the mech itself has three options for weapons: the railgun, the grenade launcher, and the mini gun. Players can choose to mix and match or double up on guns to gain bonuses to damage and kill skills while in mech.

Moze is well protected with Iron Bear and causes massive damage, and as characters improve their skill tree, Moze can stay in her mech longer and longer until most of the game consists of mech gameplay. This makes Moze perfect for new players and those who want to tank for their friends. Moze can take a lot of damage, doesn't take much finesse to do a lot of damage, and offers lots of boosts for her player to utilize. If players liked Brick in the original Borderlands, they will probably like Moze.

Fl4k: Sniper/ Veteran

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Fl4k is one of the harder characters to use in Borderlands 3 as he has a very specialized skill tree. With FL4K's three different pets and three different action skills to pair with them, Fl4k can get a little confusing and very particular about what works and what doesn't in game. Fl4k has a lot of skills that increase accuracy and critical hit damage while buffing their pet, and there are even skills that heal Fl4k while his pet is doing damage. Simply put, this means that Fl4k is great for sniping.

While Fl4k's pet runs in and absorbs damage and corrals enemies, players have the ability to take their time, choose their targets carefully, and control the battlefield. This means a good understanding of BL3 character themself is necessary to play Fl4k.

Rakk attack and gamma burst allow players to whittle down their enemies from a distance and fade away allows players to position themselves well and take a few highly damaging shots at their enemies. The action skills pared having a mini tank (pet) to absorb damage makes Fl4k a difficult sniper to master but extremely rewarding. For players that liked Zero and Mordecai, Fl4k is the right choice.

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Amara: Support/ Damage

For players that are familiar with the siren classes in previous games, Amara does not stray far from the mold. While she has some very exciting new changes, her role remains relatively the same as other Borderlands games. Amara has the ability to cause massive damage with her action skills as well as support herself and teammates with that damage. Amara's three action skills in Borderlands 3 all provide a lot of damage while also incapacitating enemies. Players now have the ability to change the elemental effect of each action skill bringing added variety and damage to her action skills.

There are multiple skills in Amara's tree that allow her to return damage on enemies as health for herself or any close teammates. This makes Amara a useful DPS as well as support for her teammates. If players are drawn to classes like Lilith or magical abilities, support and damage, Amara is the right pick.

Zane: Variety Damage/ Tank

Zane offers a lot of variety to Borderlands 3 as he is the first character in Borderlands history to be able to sacrifice his grenade ability for a second action skill. In other words, if players want, they can access two action skills at the same time. This becomes extremely OP when players have enough skill points to fill up more than one tree because more than one action skill will be boosted.

Zane can drop a shield for himself and his teammates, release a drone that hunts enemies, or create a copy of himself that works as a turret. In other words, Zane has the most variety out of any of the character classes. If players want to tank and protect their team they can do that by making the barrier their main action skill, if they want to go on an all offensive by making the drone their main action skill they can, Or they can go the tactical route by making a copy of themselves. They can also sprinkle in any of the other action skills once they make their decision the main one. For players that like tactical, versatile gameplay, Zane is the right choice.

Borderlands 3 is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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