Cory Barlog, the game director of God of War, appears to be teasing a mysterious new sci-fi project via his Twitter account. Barlog took to Twitter Thursday morning and posted a cryptic message, followed by his Twitter profile being completely revamped with new images. His Avatar became an image of the Voyager 1 space probe and his background art a photo of the universe. Beyond the general space exploration theme, however, exactly what Barlog is teasing remains a complete mystery.

The message posted by Barlog is especially mysterious, as it likely contains a message of some sort that remains to be decoded. The message starts with an em dash, which is a longer dash, followed by a normal dash. It then says <END TRANSMISSION>, followed by three dots, two dots, and then a single dot, each on its own separate line. The order could imply that the two dashes are the transmission. If that's the case, the long dash followed by the short in Morse code stands for the letter "N." But that's just one possibility.

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The only other hint in Barlog's new Twitter profile, but perhaps the best hint fans have yet discovered, is a series of dots. Barlog's profile currently reads "..... ..... .... ... .. ." which, when translated in Morse code, reads "55HSIE". The SIE hints rather directly that whatever Barlog is teasing is related to Sony Interactive Entertainment. If so, this isn't just Barlog having fun with his followers. This could be a legitimate tease for an upcoming PlayStation game, a game perhaps known by "55H".

Given the lack of available information, the question becomes when can fans expect more. And therein lies Barlog's final hint. His only tweet so far refers to a transmission, implying that there will be further such transmissions in the future. If the first transmission sent the letter "N" in Morse code, then fans can perhaps expect more letters sent in future transmissions. Barlog is spelling something out for fans.

The takeaway is that Cory Barlog appears to be teasing a Sony International Entertainment project. The project is implied to be related to space exploration. And Barlog appears to be sharing more about the project over time via "transmission" Twitter posts, letter by letter. Given that Barlog is the only one teasing the project, that we know of, he could very well be directing development -- which would be quite a surprise to God of War fans hoping for a sequel. Given the relative absence of events in the next few months, Barlog is perhaps building up to an announcement at The Game Awards 2019.

Alternatively, Barlog could just be messing with fans or teasing something completely unrelated. It wouldn't be the first, or the last, time a teaser gets misinterpreted.

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