Take This Discounted Sports Action Camera On All of Your Crazy Adventures

AKASO EK7000 Sports Action Camera | $43 | Amazon
AKASCO V50 Pro Native Action Camera | $90 | Amazon
AKASO EK7000 Sports Action Camera | $43 | Amazon
AKASCO V50 Pro Native Action Camera | $90 | Amazon
Graphic: Ana Luisa Suarez

AKASO EK7000 Sports Action Camera | $43 | Amazon

AKASCO V50 Pro Native Action Camera | $90 | Amazon

If you try to spend every weekend outdoors doing something active, you probably have a pretty exciting life. Why not record some of your crazy adventures with your friends? Right now, you can get two AKASO cameras on sale during today’s Gold Box.

The AKASO EK7000 Sports Action Camera is only $43, while the AKASCO V50 Pro Native Action Camera is $90. Both cameras are waterproof, record in 4K Ultra HD, and can connect to WiFi.