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ArcheAge Teleport Exploit Remains Unpatched

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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A video posted to Reddit showcases a teleport exploit used in ArcheAge to troll a streamer by following him with a vehicle.

A commenter explains exactly what’s happening,

TLDR Version

This happened during a live stream yesterday. Someone trolled the streamer by using the exploit to teleport/follow the streamer with a vehicle. They attempted to scoop the user into the vehicle then either: teleport drop them from 1000 meters above, or teleport them underwater to drown them by teleporting the vehicle above them.”

The longer version goes into much greater details on the mechanics of this exploit,

Long Version

It's hard to take Merv Lee Kwai's (@khrolan) statement that they will take third-party software and client modification seriously when someone can blatantly use them during a stream on the live servers, and still go unbanned the next day.

Let's first identify the two individuals in the video. The streamer is the one running away and is trying to avoid getting "nudged" into the floating vehicle. The exploiter is the one driving the vehicle.

The way the vehicle continued to teleport to the coordinates of the streamer appears to be scripted and not manually controlled. The way the vehicle teleported high into the air or under water does appear to be hard-coded, but triggered manually once the target is inside the vehicle.

It appears this exploit has existed and been reported since alpha, and here's one of many threads and videos on the topic. The thread is from 5 years ago, and the video is from four years ago.

Teleport Hackers Handing in Trade Packs


Merv Lee Kwai should take steps to address this during the 9/27 live stream, then outline how it will be resolved before launch. Here's a likely scenario if this isn't patched by launch (October 15).

Let's say you finally got past the thirty minute queue and managed to play a few hours in-game. Then comes the announcement of a server rollback due to widespread use of the exploit. Not only do you loose all progress up to this point, but to add insult to injury, you are placed back into queue. Let's not forget that the servers would likely be taken down to patch, which could stretch for weeks if not months.”

Thanks for the tip, vocevo.


Poorna Shankar