Fortnite Season 10 continues its dramatic overhaul of some of the map's most iconic locations, as the Visitor has been building Rift Beacons and placing them at places of interest all season long. Then, days later, a Rift Field expands over the area and replaces it with a different reality. Now, the Visitor has dropped Fortnite's most-recent Rift Beacon at The Block.

The Block may not have the history that some areas of Fortnite's map does, but since its creation during Season 7, its impact has been significant. The Block provides a space for popular structures or areas Fortnite players have made in Creative Mode to be showcased. If there was one space that Epic would be assumed not to touch in Season 10, it would have been The Block, but that didn't stop a Rift Beacon from spawning there.

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Exactly what Epic could transform The Block into is a complete mystery. A lot of players are still holding firm in believing the Rift Fields are related to time travel and that The Block could transform into one of its past forms. The region was previously known as Risky Reels, a drive-in movie theater. Prior to Season 4, when Risky Reels was built, the area had been home to a broken-down castle village and a soccer stadium. The Rift Fields tent to transform these areas in different ways, so maybe a giant castle or a large new soccer stadium will be built.

Other ideas include mostly jokes about The Block. For example, The Block could be changed into The Sphere, The Pyramid, or The Cylinder because Fortnite players are often more interested in the memes stemming from each change than in the changes themselves.

fortnite risky reels

Fortnite players can expect the new map change to start next week. The Rift Beacon, like those before it, will likely power up in a visible way before the Rift Field goes into effect. Epic Games may even leak what The Block will be changing into in an update leading up to the change. Of course, there's also the possibility that The Block may not change at all. Maybe the field will be in a different direction. Or, worst case, the beacon might just blow up the area like it's done previously. Epic's done a great job of making Season 10 unpredictable.

Fortnite is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One, and mobile devices.

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Source: Reddit