The first major map change of Season 10, officially known as Season X, has taken place in Fortnite and the futuristic zone of Neo Tilted has been warped back in time to the Old West. Now called Tilted Town, this updated area offers players a new landmark to explore, but with a couple of caveats.

With Rift Zones being a new feature of Season 10, players can expect plenty of major changes to the Fortnite map as the season progresses. What those changes will be is up for speculation, but dataminers have been hard at work attempting to scout ahead for players. The transformation of Neo Tilted was leaked at the beginning of the season. Then, not long after, a Rift Beacon activated in the zone and players knew things were about to go down.

RELATED: Fortnite Season 10 Map Changes

The change officially took place on Tuesday, August 6, dragging Neo Tilted back in time to the age of cowboys and saloons, taking on a look that mimics a town gamers might see in Red Dead Redemption. Tilted Town is a unique space on the island with its own set of rules: "no buildin', no breakin'."

This means Fortnite players will not be able to build any structures or harvest materials, which makes fighting there a bit more interesting. However, players have found an exploit to get around the first condition. Epic Games is likely on the case already, preparing a fix that will be sent out as soon as possible.

As for other changes heading to the map, the longtime desert biome that hosts Paradise Palms may be altered by a Rift in the near future. A recent datamine uncovered a variety of file names linked to points of interest, with one listed as Moisty Palms.

The area of Paradise Palms used to be Moisty Mire until Season 5, so many believe it will make a comeback and merge with the current zone to create a mashup of the two. As for the location of Moisty Palms, it stands to reason that it will appear where the two zones will meet, on the lower east side of the map.

Fortnite is out now for Android, iOS, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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