Clan Redeem is at it again, this time completing the new Scourge of the Past Destiny 2 raid using only two players. Certain sections of the raid have been two-manned before, but this is the first instance (to our knowledge) of a duo completing the whole raid from start to finish.

Any Destiny 2 players that are familiar with the Scourge of the Past raid are likely asking how all of this was pulled off. While teams have already two-manned other sections of the raid, this is the first time that a duo has completed the first encounter.

[Note: at present the livestream archive is only available but there should be a more concise YouTube video available soon. The successful part of the run starts around the 4:30:00 mark]

For those that are curious, there are two key components to completing the first encounter with only two players. The first is using Warlocks, as the class is capable of “skating” while holding onto the batteries. By hitting jump and melee, Warlocks can zoom around the map and get to the receptacles quickly.

The other element is a recent discovery involving how the batteries fall off the main Berserker (the one that drops two batteries instead of one). As it turns out, the battery for the map (the one with 5 dots) drops off a certain shoulder every time and the one the team needs to advance the charge process drops off the other. So if you look closely you can skip the map battery once or twice.

Still, the duo needed to be quick in order to juggle figuring out which receptacle to go to, killing the Servitors, and depositing. Luckily, a few of the batteries were the right number for their positioning.

After that, the rest of the raid has been two manned so it was nothing new. Getting through the Sparrow escape only requires two players. The first part of the Insurrection Prime requires a glitch that uses the boss’ missiles to do damage to him, but it’s not easy to pull off. No mind, the duo got it in the first try.

And finally, the Insurrection Prime boss fight is completed like normal outside of one exploit. The duo goes to an area of the zone that gives a Joining Allies message, and when they reload the instance the Ionized debuff goes away. That way, they can pick up new batteries and progress the fight with only two of them. Then, it’s all about letting Whisper of the Worm and Well of Radiance do their things.

Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.