It is that time of the year again where many online games are hosting their holiday events. The Dawning event in Destiny 2 will kick off on Tuesday, December 11th after the weekly reset, and this year's event promises some festive new gear and emotes, among other things. Guardians will soon find Eva Levante in the Destiny 2 Tower has various new bounties and activities that will award exclusive Dawning gear.

It seems that for this year's Dawning event, players will have to gather ingredients throughout the solar system to bake cookies, which will grant players various rewards from different characters in the game. There will also be bounties to complete, which will give players a chance to earn enhancement cores, mods, legendary gear, and the Avalanche Heavy Machine Gun. But unlike past event-specific weapons like Horror Story, the Avalanche has random perk rolls and can be acquired multiple times.


destiny 2 avalanche heavy machine gun

Another treat that players can look forward to after completing a few bounties is the festive new sled-looking Sparrow shown below. This Sparrow comes equipped with Glimmer Boost, which spawns a glimmer present every few seconds until boost runs out. Glimmer presents burst open after a moment so that players can acquire the glimmer. The sparrow also comes with a reduced summon time and Glimmer Trick, which spawns 3 to 5 glimmer presents when the player lands a trick with the Sparrow.

destiny 2 dawning 2018 sparrow

In keeping with tradition, there will also be double engram drops during The Dawning event, so players who are at max level (depending on what content they own) will receive both a Bright Engram and a Dawning Engram on every level-up. The Dawning will introduce three new emotes, including a multiplayer emote, as well as a "throw down" emote and an exotic baking emote purchasable with Silver. Finally, there will also be a new ship and a festive Ghost skin available during the event.

dawning 2018 ship
dawning 2018 ghost skin

While many players were upset during last year's Dawning Event as most of the Dawning items were locked behind Eververse, it seems that this year will be different. The focus has seemingly shifted to gaining items from completing bounties and based on these items that are up for grabs, this year's Dawning seems to be as festive as ever.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.