Age of Conan composer Knut Avenstroup Haugen to helm Conan Exiles soundtrack


Funcom’s getting the crew back together for Conan Exiles! Well, part of the crew: The studio announced today that it’s roped in Age of Conan composer Knut Avenstroup Haugen to write Conan Exiles’ doom-filled melodies.

Haugen’s AoC soundtrack won multiple mainstream awards and is a fan-favorite around here — in fact, the last time we asked you what your favorite MMORPG soundtrack was, Age of Conan literally topped the list, beating out World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, WildStar, and the rest.

You can pick it up on Amazon or catch snippets in our own Jukebox Heroes column and the Battle Bards podcast while you wait for the new game, due out in January. Here’s a favorite tune plus a sample from the upcoming tracks!

Source: Press release
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